Hometown: Carrizo Springs
Occupation: Retired
Family: Wife and two kids- all practicing physicians
Hobbies/Interests: Finance
As a Board Member
What has been most rewarding during your board service? Learning the finance of running a hospital
What has been the most challenging issue for your board? Building a new hospital
What has been the biggest surprise during your board service? The role of the CEO
What was your/your board’s proudest moment? Support for the hospital
What’s the most valuable lesson you’ve learned as a board member? How to manage finances.
What are your board’s priority areas for 2022? Our priority area for 2022 would be the feasibility of a new hospital
About Me
My background: Born in India, trained in UK and practiced in the USA
My childhood ambition: To be able to climb Mt. Everest
My favorite person (living or not): Mahatma Gandhi
Last place I traveled: Austin, Canyon Lake
What are you currently reading? Magazine that I am currently reading is Bourne’s.
My favorite place in Texas: Canyon Lake.